What are some bands that have an iconic graphic "icon" that doesn't include their name or initials?
What are some bands that have an iconic, immediately-recognizeable, simple (one or two colors) graphic that doesn't include their name or initials?
A few examples that come to mind:
- Rolling Stones' lips and tongue logo
- Greatful Dead's skull or dancing bears
- Nirvana's X-eyed smiley face
- Type-O Negative's "doughnut" (one might also include their gear logo, included in that linked image)
- Einstürzende Neubauten's Mexican cave dude
- Black Flag's black flag
- The Misfits' skull
Examples of symbols that don't count:
- Dead Kennedys DK logo (it's their initials)
- Van Halen's various VH logos (it's their initials)
- Metallica star (it's made-up of four "M"s. Though...an argument could be made that adding those points and the extension to ANY letter makes it Metallica-ized. 😅
- I'm going to say Dream Theater's "Majesty" symbol doesn't count, as it's based on a 500+ year old emblem, and has some of the letters of their name...
- Wu Tang Clan's "W" (It's an initial)