Top 5 songs in each album
I'll rank the albums too, why not. I was a fairly new fan when I last ranked them and my opinions have changed a bit.
Will of the People 5. WotP 4. Verona 3. KobK 2. Halloween 1. Won't stand down
The Resistance 5. Resistance 4. Undisclosed desires 3. MK ultra 2. Exogenesis 1. Unnatural Selection
Simulation theory 5. Pressure 4. Algorithm 3. Blockades 2. Dark side 1. Void
2nd Law 5. Madness 4. Explorers 3. Supremacy 2. Panic station 1. Animals
Drones 5. Mercy 4. Globalist 3. Dead Inside 2. Handler 1. Reapers
Absolution 5. Blackout 4. Small print 3. Hysteria 2. BaH 1. SS
Showbiz 5. Cave 4. Muscle museum 3. Escape 2. Sunburn 1. Showbiz
Black holes and Revelations 5. Take a bow 4. SMBH 3. City of delusion 2. KoC 1. MotP
Origins of symmetry 5. Darkshines 4. New born 3. Space dementia 2. Futurism 1. CE