Tips on pre training routines / general nutrition / rest for optimal training performance?
Hello everyone!
I've been doing Muay Thai now officially for about a year and a half and made some decent progress as I already had some general technique experience but no real training experience. What I still struggle with is keeping energy levels high during trainings.
Sometimes I power through a hard intensity session like it's nothing and sometimes I get tired pretty quickly during normal intensity sessions.
I train three sessions per week, one trainer led session on mondays and thursdays, and a solo session (Heavybag and weights) on saturdays.
On the days where I feel best, I try to copy my eating, hydration and other habits to have the same experience again. However when mimicing that same routine which worked before on another day, i get different results which result in tiredness. Also what I noticed is that I tend to sweat extremely much during summer, no one else sweats as much as I do which sometimes is uncomfortable. Hitting pads while being full of sweat is a little embarassing if some sweat drops hit my training partner during punches/kicks.
How do you keep your performance levels high to perform the best during sessions? Do you have any experience with extreme sweat?
I assume everyone has a bad day sometimes but i have the feeling that I have bad days more often than good days.
Any help or general advice is appreciated!