You don't have to come out to start HRT.

You don't have to get on a waitlist to start HRT.

You don't have to endure 2mg estradiol and 50mg spironolactone to start HRT.

You don't have to be 100% sure to start HRT.

You don't have to be over a certain age to start HRT.

You don't have to be rich to start HRT.

You don't have to go to therapy, or look a certain way, or endure humiliating questions, or exhaust all other options to start HRT.

PS. If anyone wants help with informed consent or DIY resources, I'm happy to help (especially with DIY).

edit, here's a few more:

You don't have to be under a certain age, be perfectly healthy, or be a certain weight to start HRT.

You don't have to have a prescription to start HRT.

And to make it 100% clear, "You don't have to be over a certain age to start HRT" includes minors who haven't finished puberty.