Is it really not possible to just be a kink?
I tried on some feminine clothes today in an attempt to uncover some of the stuff I'm feeling. I tried once a few days ago and I didn't really feel much then or now. It didn't make me feel like a girl or anything. The only thing I felt was arousal both times. Which is more evidence that it's a kink, and doesn't have some deeper meaning.
Despite having a lot of evidence that I may be trans, stuff like this really makes me doubt I'm actually trans and it really is just a weird kink. Is there really no other possibilty than being trans to account for me liking TG TF content, playing as a girl in games, and other random dysphoria things I sort of related to from the Gender Dysphoria Bible?
Every time I try something to "prove" some level of a trans identity it always fails. If I really am trans somehow, this must be one thick eggshell.
If anyone has an alternative explanation, I'd love to hear it. Or at least an idea of where to ask to get another opinion outside the trans community that would be appreciated. Thanks.