Will I be let back in the US?

TW- discussion on US policies rewards trans people.

In mid March I will be going on holiday to Taipei and Japan. Now I have my documents changed with the correct gender marker and apparently I have strong passing privilege. However, my passport (good through 2032) still has my dead name (I got it legally changed last June) and with the rampant assault on our rights here in the US including removing all mentions of trans people from the US travel advisory page and denying trans people from getting new passports, I've become worried about being denied entry into my own country. So, what are the chances of me being denied entry back into the US, (port of entry- Chicago O Hare)?

-As for Taipei and Japan I should be fine as my airline and hotel bookings are in the passport name and if there are problems at customs I will have my US Drivers License (with the correct name) and copy of the name change order with me to clear things through.