Told my laser tech to f**k off...
Okay... I warned her I was going to swear. And she's lovely so I made it clear it was just an impulse reaction and I don't hate her. And I apologised in advance...
But I've just done session five of six. She said after my next session they'd like me to come for a consultation after four weeks to see how much hair has been removed and make a plan for how many future sessions may be needed...
Here's the bad bit... "we'd like you to grow your facial hair before the appointment"
"For how long?"
"All four weeks."
That's when I said it.
OMG I am not sure I'm willing to do that. Even if it's in my best interest.
I will cry every single day.
She said we can do it without, but we'll be working blind.
Grow a fucking beard for four fucking weeks?
I might feel better in the morning.
(I guess at least this helps remove my doubts whether I'm trans!)
[edit: thank you for all the supportive comments... it really means a lot!]