21.5 by 11cm hands left handed player looking for fingertip grip mouse need some advice currently using fk1+
Recently switch to fingertip grip really enjoying it my only issue I'm finding using the fk1+ is my fingers want to be too far forward which causes the mouse to be unstable on large swipes because of the bottom part of the mouse sort of doing nothing but being extra weight and friction
I have tried moving my fingers back but it just feels really unusual for my thumb and pinky as they sort of hit the flare of the mouse and I instantly want to slight then back up the mouse where its more flat
I'm going to buy like three different mice in the next week just to see if a shorted mouse with a similar width would feel more stable and more natural with my fingers positioned evenly across the mouse without the problem of the length of the fk1+ and shape at the bottom
Anyone got any ideas what I might try
I think maybe the weight and length plays a part and my fingers being forced up the mouse for a comfortable feel
Any ideas would be great thanks