English Tourist getting robbed in medina
Me and my friend both aged 17 have travelled to marrakech for a 4 day getaway to explore the culture and have hot weather compared to England, yesterday however, we were walking in medina around 3pm throughout the streets and we was told by this ‘friendly guy’ that we couldn’t continue to walk because it was prayer time and there was a mosque, us being respectful we understood and we began to have a good chat with the local who was a bit older then us because he could speak english and started taking us down these streets, we had heard of this scam before and different sorts of things but this time we were so blinded and we wanted to be respectful to the muslims prayers going on at the time, the conversation finished and he told us where to go, i had mentioned in the conversation how i had no Durhams ( we did ) and that i needed to change money just incase he decided to ask for money, he then did ask for money and we apologised and said we didn’t have any, at this point we was in a little square which had a dead end and so we was cornered by this individual, suddenly out of nowhere, 2 of his older friends appeared out of nowhere and cornered me and my friend demanding we give them each 200 durhams or 50€, they then pushed us and punched us in the arms repeatedly saying “do you want a problem”, there was no way we going to give them the money but we was in shock and didn’t know what to do, luckily i barged through them and told my friend to run and we ran away and the then got a taxi to the centre
what was the best thing to do in this situation, would we get in trouble for fighting them and defending ourself?