Mordekaiser Is Outdated.
I have said it, and I firmly believe in my statement, I firmly believe Mordekaiser is just as outdated as his previous forms of existence as a champion, the first one from 2010 to this last one, in 2019.
Now, over the years I played quite a lot of Mordekaiser and during his full relaunch and rework in 2019, it felt better in the first few months, perhaps even the first year or two, but, after enough time and with players learning his weaknesses, and they are quite many and obvious, and with mobility becoming even more commonly seen than ever before, his design quickly became redundant.
While Mordekaiser was fine for the first year or two, this is not to say that his rework was at all good in the first place, he was simply good because of overtuned numbers or players not knowing what to do. This does not scream good design, this is simply a statcheck, something Riot has said they mostly wanna remove, or at least not be as common as before.
This was absolutely failed with Mordekaisers rework as he became a stat stick with an ult that was literally a stat check duel if your champ does not have a dash, which can be used to dodge Mordekaisers spells and easily kill him or simply run away from him.
To this very day, Mordekaiser remains such a failure of champ design that any time his numbers are touched, he jumps multiple percentages in winrate across low elo ( Plat and below ) while staying abysmal in high elo ( diamond and above ). This has never before been seen by any other champion and there was even a point in Mordes history where he was buffed 8 times in a row and he still barely touched 50% winrate, only breaking it after his ult became uncleansable. After that, Morde was nerfed and right now he is back and 46% winrate and 44% in diamond and above. Simply put it, even if you are better than your opponent, you will still lose because the champion is so simple and easy to dodge, like an NPC boss battle, that you are left with no outplay room or any potential to improve. ( This statement applies for Diamond and above, where Mordekaiser constantly sits at a below 50% winrate, going sometimes to as low as 43% winrate, which is absolutely horrible and no champion should be this low in higher tiers. )
This champion is fundamentally flawed and his abilities are all made purposefully terrible, much like old skarner, so that his power budget is in his ultimate, which in itself is a pretty flippy ability, sometimes the enemy cash go over a wall, some times the enemy is fed and you straight up lose, some times its a death sentence for the enemy with absolutely no counterplay. This single ability holds Mordekaiser and keeps his entire design outdated.
Mordes E is the worst pull in the game and the most unreliable, nobody with half a brain cell is getting hit by it.
Mordes Q is an easily dodgeable ability which is 90% of his damage after passive nerf. Most champs can even straight up tank it after they buy any amount of magic resist, like Maw or just dash out of it.
Mordes passive is completely cosmetic, the Darkness Rise aura gives laughable movement speed, the damage after nerf is a joke, it was a joke before this as well, but now its absolutely redundant and the effect lasts for far too short to be a reliable source of damage. I dont understand what this passive is for.
The ONLY Mordekaiser ability I can see being somewhat good is the W, and even that lategame is bursted down in a single mage ability or ADC crit. Any assassin with the shield shredding item chews through that shield like its nothing.
The Death Realm, for all of its flippy outcomes, is the only consistent tool Mordekaiser has in his kit to MAYBE take out an enemy, if they dont dash away or straight up kill him in his own realm.
Mordekaiser has become outdated as a design, his kit is fundamentally flawed, his damage is put on easily dodgeable skillshots that are basically melee range, the rest of his abilities are situational at best and at worst completely useless, when he falls behind he is a burden to his team in every situation, nearly all champs dumpster him and all of them do if the player piloting the champion has more than three functioning braincells and finally, the ultimate, long cooldown for an inconsistent ability which, ironically, IS THE MOST CONSISTENT IN MORDEKAISERS KIT.
And the cherry on top is that he is completely AP, not allowing him to build juggernaut or bruiser items and instead buying shitty ap ones and shitty tank items to gain stats so he does not get oneshot immediately. No steraks, no deaths dance, no maw, no guardian angel, no lifesteal ( only spellvamp which is dodgeable due to spells being dodgeable ), no cooldown reduction, low hp stats from AP items so mages dont abuse them and become too tanky, no mana items like frozen heart.
Mordekaiser is an absolute failure of a design and we need to demand an update or rework, similar to Aurelion Sol, to truly capture the image of the God of Death and the Lord who Conquered the Death Realm. Mordekaiser right now feels like a weak side character made to fight low level RPG characters, not the final endgame boss of Runeterra.
Thank you for reading, Iron Stands Eternal and so must our Will for a Gameplay Update, please!