Title Update Wishlist!
I'm keeping my expectations low, but what monsters are you hoping for title updates? These are just some I would love to see and the locations I think they'll fit in!
Windward Plains
- Nibelsnarf (I know it's not the most popular monster, but I love this shovel-headed dummy)
- Cephadrome (Who doesn't want more Plesioth hip checks?)
- Seregios (I started with MH4U, so the pinecone is one of my all-time favs)
Scarlet Forest
- Najarala (Tidal would work here too!)
- Seltas + Seltas Queen (More bugs!)
- Tetsucabra (I will also accept a baby Tetsucabra we can dress up)
- Green Nargacuga (Carried me through MHS2, so I have soft spot for it)
Oilwell Basin
- Molten Tigrex (What can I say? I'm a sucker for all variations of Tigrex)
- Akantor (Seeing Jin Dahaad gives me hope to see huge monsters like Akantor and Ukanlos again)
Iceshard Cliffs
- Gammoth (The last of the Fated Four we haven't seen in a while)
- Ukanlos (See Akantor)
- Zamtrios (I'd be happy with Tigerstripe too!)
- Goss Harag (My fav from rise!)
- Dalamadur (More MH4U nostalgia)
- Dah'ren Mohran (More MH4U nostalgia)