New Lance Player In Need of HALP

Hey my fellow lancers! I am new to MHW and have been trying to figure out what weapon is "MY" weapon. Tried the LBG, then DB, then SnS. I almost always go for mobile play styles. But these just weren't clicking for me.

Introduce the Lance. Never in a millilition years would I have thought this weapon would be for me. Even the look of it I initially didn't like lol But here we are.

This weapon has me so much more engaged than any other weapon. It's so dam fun! Instead of running around and button mashing, I feel like every second in a fight is valuable and every decision has an impact. I LOVE IT!

Anyways, I need help. I'm still a noob. What skills should I be prioritizing? Are there "must haves"? Like offensive guard? How many guard points are recommended? 3? 5? What about defense vs health skill?

Would love all the info and thoughts! I also am curious if a sleep or poison build might work? I feel like constantly poking with one of these status effects could be very useful! (I'm almost always in a group or duo).

Lastly! My favorite thing in the game so far is the counter claw. But when should I be prioritizing trying to land that vs regular counter guard?

I'm currently halfway through iceborn campaign btw