Best way to sell around 230 dolls?
As the title says, but I'm looking to sell my childhood collection at some point this year. (Not just yet, so no enquiries currently please😊) I ideally want to sell them rather quickly, possibly even in one go. There's a good few 'rare' ones in there. Has anyone ever sold this amount in one go? And if so; how do I go about doing so? There's also some boxed and others not pictured.
As the title says, but I'm looking to sell my childhood collection at some point this year. (Not just yet, so no enquiries currently please😊) I ideally want to sell them rather quickly, possibly even in one go. There's a good few 'rare' ones in there. Has anyone ever sold this amount in one go? And if so; how do I go about doing so? There's also some boxed and others not pictured.