Predictions for MH+Mattel's long-term plan for Creeproductions?

Given that sales go well, which they definitely have been on Amazon so far, I wonder if MH plans to go all the way and release Creeproductions of all the signature-outfit dolls including the final additions to the G1 franchise such as the Monster Exchange students? Or how likely would they try reproducing a popular line like Dawn of the Dance?

Do you think Creepros would realistically be saved for only the main ghouls, and they'll stop at wave 2 but will keep restocking these waves? Or would they move onto waves 3, 4, and beyond?

On another note, would MH will skip reproducing certain signature dolls? They might've already done so with Holt. For sure, the SDCC-exclusive signature dolls such as Scarah + Iris seemingly have a 0% chance of getting reproduced either.

I'd kill for a CA Cupid Creepro, but it doesn't seem too likely; she only has 1 doll, was a movie-introduced character with literally only 1 cartoon appearance, and "left" the franchise in 2013 for EAH. It seems likelier they'd reproduce Twyla and Elissabat given that they may be fan-favorites with many variations and outfits from G1.