Anyone else been delivered something else instead of Fang Club Operetta?
I knew some people had issues with misplaced items during delivery with some of the Monster High drops previously but this is my first dang club purchase and I’m absolutely devastated as a UK buyer. To be fair she’s still in stock and they can ship her out again but it’s still so disappointing? I opened the box to see a Bob Mackie X Barbie doll instead of Operetta. I’ve emailed Mattel (can’t call because of verbal difficulties) and just waiting to see what happens but has this happened to anyone else’s operetta and what were you delivered instead if so?
I just can’t believe Mattel is continuously having this issue and being so careless with their shipping despite the prices of their products. My operetta still says she’s out for delivery but I’m assuming she’ll end up going to someone else because the stickers have evidently been misplaced.
UPDATE 1: I've just rebought her to see what happens, if they send me two then that just means I can have one out of box. I'll end up just selling that Barbie, I've never been a big Barbie fan. She's gorgeous but I'd much rather her go to someone who would love her more than I would.