Im (25f) getting hit with large payments all at once and I’m freaking out
I (25f) am moving out April 1 on my own. This was something I prepared for financially and have 6 month emergency fund + investments.
I found out yesterday I owe 3.5k in taxes. I’m going on a trip to London the last week of April (also prepared for this - it was a cheap opportunity that I didn’t want to miss. Almost a free flight round trip, free rooming).
I’m doing good financially still and SO grateful I can afford to do these things, but I’m just internally freaking out at how much I’m spending this month…
My rent is 2025, broker fee $2025, and security $1k. I saved $1500 for London but I’m def not using that much, I expect to spend less than 1k there.
And now $3.5k in taxes.
Has anybody experienced the anxiety of something like this before? I genuinely feel sick over it lol
Edit: FAQ
what is a broker fee??
In New Jersey, broker fees for rentals are typically equivalent to one month's rent, and tenants usually pay them, though there are no restrictions on who pays. No, I did not use a broker. Yes, it’s BS. Don’t move to NJ unless ur wealthy or want to get screwed over lol
How r u paying so little in London?
Bf parents invited me. They are kind enough to cover a lot of my expenses, not all.