I finally finished the last level and completed Monarch Money...

... all of my recurring merchants now have custom images. I'm pretty sure there's nothing left to accomplish at this point.

UPDATE: if you want to play a fun game (... or are just bored... and have the photoshop skills...) create an image containing the logos from your top merchants. I ended up with an 8x19 grid of merchant logos that each have at least 5 transactions from the last two years of data. Paste that into ChatGPT 4o and ask what it can infer about you from a sociodemographic perspective using only the merchant logos.... SPOILER:it inferred my city, my age within 3 years, my family makeup, my kids ages within two years, my hobbies, my career, my financial tendencies, and my basic personality traits.

edit: added the UPDATE and SPOILER, paying homage to our imminent eminent robot overlords