Heartbroken for my kids, their dad didn’t even acknowledge them

I have a 2 and 3 year old. My husband was in jail last week for putting his hands on me in front of the kids.

He’s been out for a few days and being staying at a motel. I have a restraining order against him so he came here today to pick up his things with a police officer. He didn’t even think to have someone tell me so I can take the kids somewhere else, he hasn’t asked about them or anything.

The kids were so distraught and I couldn’t calm them down. We’re crying for their dad and he said nothing to them. I even told the officer that it would be ok if he said goodbye to them.

He didn’t even look at my kids, just walked out and left. My kids cried so hard and was looking out the window for him.

What a heartless asshole