Unable to sleep without husband… wtf?
So I don’t even know if this is the right place for this. I honestly thought that maybe someone here would be able to relate but if this isn’t the place then that’s fine I will delete it 😭
The issue is I CANNOT sleep at night unless my husband is in bed with me. Obviously, I went my entire life before being married sleeping peacefully on my own but ever since my husband and I have lived together (6 years now) I find it impossible to fall asleep when he’s not in bed.
He’s working night shift tonight and tomorrow so it’s just me and my baby at home and I’m dreading it. I’m so tired already from just mom life in general and I know I’m going to have issues falling sleep while my husband is gone tonight.
Does anyone else have this issue or is this some sort of weird codependency I’ve developed? How the heck do you guys sleep on your own… do you just do it? Am I crazy? The lack of sleep is already getting to me!