Toddler drank coffee

I went to McDonald’s today and got a medium frappe. Usually I would add a shot of espresso but they didn’t have any (thank God). I took maybe 3 sips of it. Well I went to change my 2 year olds diaper and when I was done, I go into the kitchen and my 4 year old (she just turned 4, 2 days ago) drank half the cup. Literally half if not more. What do I do? Do I need to be worried? I’m trying not to freak out but this girl hardly ever even has sweets. Even for her birthday, she had a tinyyy slice of cake. 😭 I feel horrible. I always push my cup way back where the kids can’t reach it but we had just got home and I was trying to change her brothers diaper. The mom guilt is real…

Edit: Thank you to all the NICE people who reassured me she would be fine. Just to clarify: I was never worried about the sugar or her being hyper. I had googled it before coming here (shouldn’t have) and it was talking about increased heart rate and some other things. That’s what I was worried about. She does have some sips of my coffee every now and then but never that much 😂 We had just got home and she was exhausted so the coffee definitely helped keep her up until bed time because otherwise she wouldn’t have made it. She played for a bit, took a bath and went to bed at her normal bedtime 🥹🩷

And to all the assholes in the comments - it’s $0 to be kind. You never know what someone is going through. So have the day you deserve. 😏