Dude. Please help.
My 10-day-old baby girl will NOT sleep in her crib, nor bedside bassinet, nor gliding bassinet. She can be dead asleep and I put her down in the crib/bassinet (or any surface where I’m not holding her) and she wakes up 1 minute later crying. She despises being swaddled. I’ve tried swaddling, swaddling with her arms out, putting her to bed drowsy but awake, putting her to bed after being asleep for 15-20 minutes, heating up the crib, putting something with my scent in the crib… nothing works. Last night I was determined to get her to sleep in her crib and I went into her room TWELVE TIMES to soothe her back to sleep. I NEED sleep and I don’t feel comfortable co-sleeping anymore. Please help! Also, my husband works out of state and is gone 90% of the time. It’s just me the majority of the time, so shift sleeping is not possible. My first baby slept in his crib the entire night from day one home from the hospital so this is all new to me.