My partner thinks I'm crazy.
Posting here hopefully looking for some advice as I've noticed many posts lately on this topic. My partner thinks I'm crazy for being worried about the future of this country under the current administration. If everything going on right now wasn't enough to leave me feeling hopeless and scared I'm now feeling confused on how to navigate our relationship/family life going forward. We have two daughters. I am terrified at what is going on right now in our government. He thinks I'm crazy for being concerned but not only that he treats me like I'm uneducated and have no idea what I'm talking about. He says I don't need to worry about what's going on because I'm just a stay at home mom and my focus should be on raising our kids. He thinks I don't have time to learn or understand anything in politics or "foreign affairs" so basically everything I say or try to say he just dismisses and basically gaslights me into acting like I'm clueless. I don't claim to know it all or even understand how everything in our government works but I have been paying attention for a long time and learning when I can. He doesn't even pay attention to the news. He gets all his information from podcasts. It's so hard to even articulate how I'm feeling because every time I try to have a conversation with him he acts like I'm truly clueless and just "brainwashed" by left leaning media. I can't even go into all our recent conversations because it's just too much to type out. I just have no idea what to do. I truly feel like he is just a complete different person these days. He's always been skeptical of trusting the government but suddenly now that Trump is in office there is nothing to worry about? He didn't even vote in this election but somehow every time we're on the topic he acts like he is this secretly maga minded misogynist whose values don't align with mine at all. I just don't know what to do and not sure how to navigate this further. Is anyone else dealing with something similar? I'm feeling so sad and hopeless and I just don't know how I can continue on raising a family together like everything is fine.