Christmas is magic for me, too!
I'm really enjoying being on the "other side" of Christmas as a parent. We have a 4 and 2 year old (our youngest turned 2 today!! 🎉) and I had such a magical time watching them being in awe of everything.
Our whole family went to our friends' house last night and stayed way too long because we were all having a great time lol. Then my husband and I stayed up till 4 am getting ready for Christmas.
I did some baking, cleaned up the common area, and wrapped some last minute presents. My husband helped with baking prep and spent a lot of time assembling a wooden train table. Then wrapped some gifts. As the finishing touch, I put two cookies on a plate and left it where my 4 year old normally sits. I took 2 bites out of it. I also poured some milk in a glass, drank some, and left a little.
By the time we went to bed, I was beyond tired. I was also tired this morning. But it was all worth it when our 4 year old was like, "Mom and dad!! Santa came!! He left so many presents for us and he ate 2 bites out of the cookies and drank some milk!!!"
Also, my husband got me the most thoughtful gifts this year. He honestly did much better than I did with his gifts. My stocking had such thoughtful gifts.
It was just a really great day. 😊