Does anyone feel more deeply connected to one child over another?
I have 3 kids ages 4, 2, & 2 months
From the very beginning pregnancy/birth and up to now I feel so deeply connected with my oldest daughter. We just have a special bond. I feel her emotions so strongly and even at a young age of 4 she does the same for me… it’s like she just always knows what to say or do at the right time. I OF course love my other two children - a son (2 years) then another daughter (2 months) but my connection to them feels different, it’s hard to describe. Even their pregnancies and initial births the connection was different and all were equally planned and wanted. I thought maybe I just needed time to get a stronger bond but my son is 2 almost 3 now and like I said I love him to pieces but the connection is different- not as deep maybe?
particularly when I look at my oldest’s baby photos and videos I just ball my eyes out 😭 not sure why so much with her. Maybe I miss it just us two? A simpler slower time? Figuring it all out together?
Gosh time is truly a thief