DESPERATE I need help getting two instapot unstuck
My husband is going in for a procedure and I'm meal prepping like crazy. I borrowed a friend instapot to make things faster and I set the stainless steel insert into another instapot insert to soak overnight to make cleaning easier since I don't have a dishwasher. They sat in the sink overnight and now I can't get them apart. I m panicking because I need them both still and I can't replace this if I ruined it. Has anyone done this before or got some advice to get them apart please help I really need advice I already tried dawn dish soap everywhere and oil around the rim of the bottom pot that did nothing tried hot and cold water did not work pleas please help
update so i dont spam... i finally got ice today to try in the top pot and my hot water sink didn't get hot enough but I ended up boiling water and adding that to the hot sink water while trying the plastic straw thing from EndlesslyUnfinished it worked and they popped apart!!
I did try dawn, oil, and several other things before that and i really appreciate all the love and support!! TYSM for the kind wishes of recovery for my husband too maybe I'll update after that again if it's within the sub rules 🩵