Everyone complained that players weren’t playing the objective, now we have an objective focused COD, and people are still complaining.
This entire COD is all about winning.
If you want to unlock the armoury items, you have to win.
This means that most players, especially at the beginning of the games launch are playing to win to unlock better items.
What’s the best way to win? Playing the objective, abusing head glitches, camping in and around the objective, using utility, movement and skill to keep the objective and keep winning. Not only is it your own individual skill, but also your teammates. Playing solo increases your chances to lose, the system encourages you to group up and try to win. Matching you against other groups, that are also trying to win, increasing the sweaty feeling.
I hate all these posts complaining about the SBMM, it doesn’t matter if your SBMM is at the bottom or at the top, your games will still be hard and still be sweaty. Because no matter your skill, people are trying to win.
What’s the solution? It isn’t to remove SBMM or even to decrease it. Rather, it’s to breakaway from needing wins to unlock armoury items. Add a ranked mode, where wins count towards your armoury items greater than normal matches. Spice up the armoury challenges in normal gameplay, less wins and more wacky stuff that promotes different styles of gameplay.
Add a mode that’s only for solos to queue into too, less chance of running into the sweats that are all grouped together.
That’s it, that’s my rant. Maybe, this is all an over reaction from everyone and once everyone has the armoury items unlocked, more people will be playing casually and for camos. Who knows.