Solo queue players suck
I am sick and tired of the solo queue players posts. The uncomfortable truth playing solo queue doesn't mean you are better.
I can't stand the many users in this subreddit that brag about their solo queue 50% wr and look down on players who play duo or trio or 5man. You might have better mechanics but you suck as a team player.
Achieving mythic solo queue means nothing as this is a team game. They also complain about their team mates even if they themselves are to blame too for the performance of their team. Complain about dark system that moontoon matchmaking too.
Solo queue players are often selfish and do not cooperate as a team well. They either abstain from doing certain plays that rely on the team mates to act because they might die and ruin their k/d/a even if it would be a good play winning the game trading one player for 2-3.
Most of the people here play solo only for the bragging rights not because they can't find a team mate to play. Case and point see someone good after match go invite them now you have a duo, find someone else you have a trio and so on.