Came to terms with stock OS, any tips?

Hey guys for the very few that lurk around here, any tips on how to improve the stock OS experience? or simply share your experience to see if I'm missing something cool, I've done the fresh install that had the cleaned up version of stock on a fresh SD card, only port I transferred from original SD card was Celeste since I own that one on steam and seems to work well on the device.

So far experience ain't that bad, it's really cool I could transfer all my scraped art from muOS that I had for other anbernic devices and so far after some tinkering I've set it up neatly and looking actually not half bad.

Currently my only problem is N64, it's hit and miss even using rice and lowering resolution, really hope if and whenever we get a custom firmware they add a standalone emulator, for the time being I just skipped the system on the device.

Also find it really awesome that Bluetooth works, just had few issues in some fbneo games like mortal combat 3, for some reason game won't launch if I have my Bluetooth headphones on but otherwise is really cool.