My ideas for more non-anglophone teams!!
I loved watching the Spanish team POV and thought I'd drop some potential teams for non English-speaking POVs that I think would be fun!!
Fuschia Francophones: Etoiles, Baghera, AntoineDaniel, AyPierre
Common language of this team is French! Okay yes, you got me, I'm an avid QSMP enjoyer, but these four are so hilarious when you get them together, and aren't half bad at the game either! I'd probably stick on Etoiles' or Baghera's POV because I love them. I want to see a Baghera Grid Runners so bad.
Green Germans: Nihachu, Papaplatte, Rotpilz, BastiGHG
Common language of this team is German! Yes, Nihachu is a little out of place. She may not be able to match Papaplatte's chaotic energy, but I think this team would be hilarious. Rotpilz and Niki have collaborated before and it was so wonderfully ridiculous. Basti and Papaplatte were teamed on Minecraft Monday about six billion times and were always a good time. I think the calmer Rotpilz and Niki energy combined with the absolute gremlinery of Basti and Papaplatte would be a funny combination. Green Germans my beloved.
Silver Slavs: PWGood, Zakviel, Domer, Kompot
The common language of this team would be Russian! I hesitate to call them "Red Russians" or something because Domer is Ukrainian and one of them (I forget which) is half Byelo, but they all speak Russian! I think this would be a fun point of view. PW and Zakviel are two of the most popular Russian Minecraft Twitch streamers, and Domer and Kompot are big on Youtube. They're all very funny. If you understand Russian puns, Kompot is for you...
Hazel Hispanics: Roier, ElMariana, Luzu, Jojosolos
Common language: Spanish! Great combination in this team of entertainment value and skill. You've got Roier and Mariana to be the class clowns and Luz and Jojo as your resident tryhards. Plus, with this team in MCC, you'll finally have somebody older than Phil... Sorry Luzu, someone has to take up the mantel after the old man dies.
Those are my ideas! Anyone else you'd recommend? I know there are a TON more I could've named but these were my top picks for the languages I speak personally. If you've got anyone else I'd love to hear :D