Millennial Murder

If there's one more thing I wish our generation could do away with, or at least severely hobble, would be the subscription model.

Why were we the "cut the cord" generation? Because we saw how much our parents were paying for crap cable and satellite, and Netflix let us watch whatever we wanted for less (and hell, Hulu was free, albeit ad driven) (throw in the Great Recession and not having money, that probably helped too). The deal was good enough to pull a lot of us illegally downloading our media out to pay for it. Of course that was a new media Trojan horse and now everything is a subscription.

Want to watch something? Pick from a buffet of subscription platforms that have one or two things you might like and a load of crap. Want to wash you car? There's a subscription for that. Want to track your fitness? Get more of your data with a monthly fee (of course, the company may be tracking it for their own shits and giggles anyway, just not sharing it with you).

I'd love nothing more than to see the subscription model die the same death as diamond engagements rings, golf course McMansions, etc.