Mental health check in.

I (34m) consistently have worked 2 jobs in the environmental field making 45-65k doing consulting work for water conservation and energy.

Seeing the EPA gutted from the inside out kills me and makes me feel cynical about our future..

I've been grinding away and still feel like I'm behind in life with it feeling like buying a house and raising a kid is impossible with what I'm getting paid.

For a period of time in my 20s I was homeless working three jobs to aggressively pay off my student debt but it took a mental toll burning the candle at both ends. At least I am debt free..

How is everyone doing it? Im experiencing burnout in a bad way but those bills keep coming.

I work and volunteer and never feel like theres never enough time in the day. Anxiety and depression is consuming my mind.

How are people pushing through this craziness right now? How is our generation handling this dumpster fire?