Who here is making an average median salary of $60k-80k?

The median HOUSEHOLD income is 75k / year in the USA, and 65k for individual income.

But the top 3-4 posts recent budget posts are all people makein $100k, $120k, 150k etc. Or how their household is $250k, which means at MINIMUM one of them is making 125k

Who here is actually making a true median MIDDLE class salary on this sub? Or if not here, where can I go to discuss this with average people, not people earning 90th percentile salaries (last time I checked, middle class did not mean being a top 10%er)

I'll start: I make 70k and put away $600/month in ROTH ira and $500 in 401k. Now watch as people say "you only put in $1000/month??? You should MAX your 401k!!" without realizing that's already 19% of my salary.