Good Military Jets?

I’m unable to play modern military combat sims and I am looking to scratch that high fidelity military itch still. I know that you can only get so far with Microsoft Flight Sim, but are there any aircraft that are near dcs level of fidelity. I really like the feeling of booting up a military jet. The aircraft I would look for needs to be jet powered and as close to fully modeled as MSFS allows for. I really do appreciate your help with this.

I’m unable to play modern military combat sims and I am looking to scratch that high fidelity military itch still. I know that you can only get so far with Microsoft Flight Sim, but are there any aircraft that are near dcs level of fidelity. I really like the feeling of booting up a military jet. The aircraft I would look for needs to be jet powered and as close to fully modeled as MSFS allows for. I really do appreciate your help with this.