From a Californian
I grew up in California for 21 years, and moved to Michigan last year for family. I get asked constantly (by constantly I mean every. Single. Person.) by people from Michigan why I moved here. I will say "for family" and that answer is not good enough for a lot of people. They'll press and still go "yeah but our state sucks", "the weathers horrible", "California weather is great" (most of these people haven't been to California, and truth be told no the weather is not great it's 90 degrees during almost every season and in summer well over 100) I've started feeling like I have to explain myself, "I like cold weather" "I want to see the world" "I wanted a new environment" but I shouldn't have to share those things with strangers or anyone to be honest. I get that it's some people's dream to live in California but it's not everyone's dream. It's become a pet peeve of mine and I try to avoid telling people at all costs because I know that for the next ten minutes I'm going to hear a bunch of Michigan slander and great things about California, meanwhile I'm not sure how to even respond like "you're right this state sucks I'm going back to California" no lol I left for a reason. Everyone that moves from their home state has a reason. We know there's great things out there, we lived those experiences. There's great things about Michigan it really has become a negative conversation I avoid because I get homesick, don't feel good about the bad things people say about Michigan (like am I supposed to agree?) and puts me in an awkward position to respond.