Hey wait a sec... who's the "Deleter"? I completed Metroid: Other M and missed who was the traitor
Pic unrelated lol. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.. was Adam the Deleter? I actually enjoyed the sci fi horror mystery of Other M and it was kinda cool seeing Samus working and interacting with others. Yeah I had a lot of problems with her waiting for orders despite it being a massive inconvenience for her (I get power bombs but her varia suit? Come on) but overall I thought the story was pretty cool. I liked how there is unfinished business after the credits too. But still don't remember who the Deleter was.
Pic unrelated lol. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.. was Adam the Deleter? I actually enjoyed the sci fi horror mystery of Other M and it was kinda cool seeing Samus working and interacting with others. Yeah I had a lot of problems with her waiting for orders despite it being a massive inconvenience for her (I get power bombs but her varia suit? Come on) but overall I thought the story was pretty cool. I liked how there is unfinished business after the credits too. But still don't remember who the Deleter was.