So About Those Romance Options
Keep seeing posts about Metaphor not having any romance options; however, was it just me, or did Eupha’s Rank 8 bond seem explicitly romantic? Granted, I chose to maximize the MAG gains (cuz late game archetypes really guzzle the stuff down), but this bond seem so explicitly romantic. Like, even Junah’s Bond 8, while it can be interpreted romantically, still didn’t seem as explicit as Eupha’s. I guess there’s still a lack of romance OPTIONS since really only two characters give you anything resembling romance. Not sure if Eupha is the “canon” ship because you could take the dialogue in other directions, but you don’t even have the option to for all other bonds except maybe Junah’s if you squint.
Btw,: I finished all of the Follower Bonds but have yet to finish the main story so please no spoilers for that.