Let’s rewatch the series: S01E14 Bluesklok
Originally aired Nov. 5, 2006!
After not playing a show because of depression, bluesman Mashed Potato Johnson takes Dethklok down to Mississippi to each them about the blues.
My favorite moments and thoughts:
I love Nathan just sighing into the microphone at the show, lol. Toki and Skwisgaar look sad, Pickles and Murderface just look annoyed.
“Can you pass that Prozac shaker?” lol, sprinkling antidepressants on ice cream, and Pickles complains that it’s soy ice cream. Then blames Skwisgaar? What was Skwisgaar even doing at the food library? They have people to do that for them.
“Gentlemen, celebrity depression expert Vincenzo De Alimamala the Third.” The names for the experts the Tribunal gets introduced to get more and more ridiculous as they go on. I love Mark Hamill’s voice being so deadpan as he reads the most ridiculous names Brendon could come up with 😂
“They say he made a deal with the devil. Standard blues musician rap sheet.”
“All due respect, why should we be concerned about Dethklok learning the ways of the blues?” “Because the blues are just as cursed as this metal is!” Honestly, I freaking LOVE this comparison. He’s right, the blues has traditionally had a reputation for being ‘devil music’ way before metal even existed.
Is this the first time we see Toki with his shirt off? 😂 In the last episode (Go Forth and Die) we see him in the hot tub, but he’s very conspiculously all the way down in the water, conveniently hiding the fact that he’s absolutely RIPPED. I believe they definitely were saving this reveal for a joke, and took advantage of it in this episode.
“You wanna see dark and brutal? Come with me.” I absolutely love these stories Mashed Potato Johnson tells them in this little montage. Particularly the one about Shorty Turnytop being hit by a train, and his decapitated head writing “Blues Train Blues” while flying through the air. Mustard Tits ‘the Murder Master’ Brown is also a hilarious name. 😂
“The first rule of the blues is translating that feeling, making someone else feel just as bad as you.” This reminds me a lot of Bleeding Gums Murphy’s advice to Lisa Simpson. “Blues ain’t about feelin’ better - it’s about makin’ other people feel worse”.
“Dudes, anybody have any SPF? I’m very Irish-American.” “Real blues men get a sunburn!” Poor Pickles gets redder and redder over the rest of the episode 😂
“Hey, dog face. Why dont you go eat some dog food and eat your own throwup because you’re a dogface.” “Geez, Nathan! A little below the belt. I guess I do have a dog face, maybe I should throw up and eat it.”
“Hey… thin lips. Why don’t you go make out with uh… Glenn Close, and bring her academy award and shove it up your 🎸ing ass.” You’re right. Maybe I should use my crappy thin lips and make out with Glenn Close.”
I love Skwisgaar and Toki struggling to play slow 😂 They CAN play slower music, as evidenced by Go Into the Water, which was recorded before this episode, but for some reason they can’t with a grandpa guitar.
“Ow! I got the hit in the balls with a train cinder block right in the balls…”
THE BLUES DEVIL! For being a guy you see for like two minutes this character goes so 🎸ing hard. He’s awesome and I love that apparently the blues devil is canonically a real person in the world of Metalocalypse. And he’s voiced by King Diamond.
“…7% of the back end on your soul, and in return, you will receive this 5$ gift card for Hot Topic.” “I could lives with that.” “I’m… gonna sleep on it, and contact a notary.” “I’m a notary.” ”I’m gonna sleep on it. Take care guys.” “…I like him.” This whole scene is great 😂 Murderface is apparently a notary, and because it’s funny, they apparently are so good at negotiating contacts in one specific instance that the blues devil drives away.
“Dirty worthless hippies.” “These guys is way too happy.” “Make ‘em wish they was never born. Give ‘em the blues.”
“Someone slap my sunburned back. AHHHH! I can feel pain again. I’m ready.”
Corpsegrinder returns as the guy in the fool’s cap at the hippie gathering, who is impaled on a tree then crushed by a fat guy impaled on the same tree 😂
The ending of this episode is so damned badass. I still get goosebumps listening to this song and watching the depression tornado obliterate the hippies, the Blues Devil standing on a plateau, scowling and watching it all go down as the wind whips at his hair and coat. Nathan’s eyes glowing red as he embraces the power of the blues. It’s absolutely 🎸ing epic.
I mentioned this one briefly in the comments of Dethkomedy. I feel like this episode is kind of a retread of the same basic idea but does it WAY better - Dethklok venturing into a new genre because they feel unfulfilled, a mystical older man who’s an expert teaching them his ways, and them blowing the audience away at the end (this time, literally). Bluesklok is one of my top episodes, the song rules, and the Blues Devil can get it, seriously. 😂
Incidentally, Mashed Potato Johnson and the Blues Devil make a return in one of the Dethklok comics. Sadly there were only three comics (plus a crossover I haven’t read yet), but the comics are a lot of fun. They’re hard to find physically these days because they’re out of print, but you can find them online to read.
Originally aired Nov. 5, 2006!
After not playing a show because of depression, bluesman Mashed Potato Johnson takes Dethklok down to Mississippi to each them about the blues.
My favorite moments and thoughts:
I love Nathan just sighing into the microphone at the show, lol. Toki and Skwisgaar look sad, Pickles and Murderface just look annoyed.
“Can you pass that Prozac shaker?” lol, sprinkling antidepressants on ice cream, and Pickles complains that it’s soy ice cream. Then blames Skwisgaar? What was Skwisgaar even doing at the food library? They have people to do that for them.
“Gentlemen, celebrity depression expert Vincenzo De Alimamala the Third.” The names for the experts the Tribunal gets introduced to get more and more ridiculous as they go on. I love Mark Hamill’s voice being so deadpan as he reads the most ridiculous names Brendon could come up with 😂
“They say he made a deal with the devil. Standard blues musician rap sheet.”
“All due respect, why should we be concerned about Dethklok learning the ways of the blues?” “Because the blues are just as cursed as this metal is!” Honestly, I freaking LOVE this comparison. He’s right, the blues has traditionally had a reputation for being ‘devil music’ way before metal even existed.
Is this the first time we see Toki with his shirt off? 😂 In the last episode (Go Forth and Die) we see him in the hot tub, but he’s very conspiculously all the way down in the water, conveniently hiding the fact that he’s absolutely RIPPED. I believe they definitely were saving this reveal for a joke, and took advantage of it in this episode.
“You wanna see dark and brutal? Come with me.” I absolutely love these stories Mashed Potato Johnson tells them in this little montage. Particularly the one about Shorty Turnytop being hit by a train, and his decapitated head writing “Blues Train Blues” while flying through the air. Mustard Tits ‘the Murder Master’ Brown is also a hilarious name. 😂
“The first rule of the blues is translating that feeling, making someone else feel just as bad as you.” This reminds me a lot of Bleeding Gums Murphy’s advice to Lisa Simpson. “Blues ain’t about feelin’ better - it’s about makin’ other people feel worse”.
“Dudes, anybody have any SPF? I’m very Irish-American.” “Real blues men get a sunburn!” Poor Pickles gets redder and redder over the rest of the episode 😂
“Hey, dog face. Why dont you go eat some dog food and eat your own throwup because you’re a dogface.” “Geez, Nathan! A little below the belt. I guess I do have a dog face, maybe I should throw up and eat it.”
“Hey… thin lips. Why don’t you go make out with uh… Glenn Close, and bring her academy award and shove it up your 🎸ing ass.” You’re right. Maybe I should use my crappy thin lips and make out with Glenn Close.”
I love Skwisgaar and Toki struggling to play slow 😂 They CAN play slower music, as evidenced by Go Into the Water, which was recorded before this episode, but for some reason they can’t with a grandpa guitar.
“Ow! I got the hit in the balls with a train cinder block right in the balls…”
THE BLUES DEVIL! For being a guy you see for like two minutes this character goes so 🎸ing hard. He’s awesome and I love that apparently the blues devil is canonically a real person in the world of Metalocalypse. And he’s voiced by King Diamond.
“…7% of the back end on your soul, and in return, you will receive this 5$ gift card for Hot Topic.” “I could lives with that.” “I’m… gonna sleep on it, and contact a notary.” “I’m a notary.” ”I’m gonna sleep on it. Take care guys.” “…I like him.” This whole scene is great 😂 Murderface is apparently a notary, and because it’s funny, they apparently are so good at negotiating contacts in one specific instance that the blues devil drives away.
“Dirty worthless hippies.” “These guys is way too happy.” “Make ‘em wish they was never born. Give ‘em the blues.”
“Someone slap my sunburned back. AHHHH! I can feel pain again. I’m ready.”
Corpsegrinder returns as the guy in the fool’s cap at the hippie gathering, who is impaled on a tree then crushed by a fat guy impaled on the same tree 😂
The ending of this episode is so damned badass. I still get goosebumps listening to this song and watching the depression tornado obliterate the hippies, the Blues Devil standing on a plateau, scowling and watching it all go down as the wind whips at his hair and coat. Nathan’s eyes glowing red as he embraces the power of the blues. It’s absolutely 🎸ing epic.
I mentioned this one briefly in the comments of Dethkomedy. I feel like this episode is kind of a retread of the same basic idea but does it WAY better - Dethklok venturing into a new genre because they feel unfulfilled, a mystical older man who’s an expert teaching them his ways, and them blowing the audience away at the end (this time, literally). Bluesklok is one of my top episodes, the song rules, and the Blues Devil can get it, seriously. 😂
Incidentally, Mashed Potato Johnson and the Blues Devil make a return in one of the Dethklok comics. Sadly there were only three comics (plus a crossover I haven’t read yet), but the comics are a lot of fun. They’re hard to find physically these days because they’re out of print, but you can find them online to read.