Your 2025 concert list

Interested in what gigs the community have seen so far and what you've got tix for coming up. Just list them down or tell a story if there is a band on the list you are super pumped to see. It would be great if you could list where in the world you are too. Here is mine...

Attended: Future Static, In Hearts Wake w Ocean Sleeper, Thrown.

Upcoming: Harms Way w Terminal Sleep, Alexisonfire w Underoath, ERRA w Silent Planet, Nervosa, Landmvrks, Counterparts w Dying Wish, Atreyu w Memphis May Fire.

I'm in Brisbane, Australia.

Edit/Update 20th Feb. I forgot about Metallica w Evanescence & Suicidal Tendencies. Booked Currents w Chelsea Grin today.

I'm very happy to see so many replies. It's great this community gets behind bands by going to live shows & buying merch. I've spotted a few names on your lists that I'm not familiar with, so will be giving them a listen.