February recap and reviews
Decided to actually journal my listening this month. Didn’t write a lot but it’s good to have notes.
No Cure- I hope I die Here
It’s alright, I enjoyed the intensity of the first 2 songs but I got bored pretty quick. Probably won’t relisten because it’s not really my style but I wanted to hear what the hype was about. 5/10
Favorite song: Hang me from the Bible Belt
Least favorite: the problem is you
Virtiol- Suffer and Become
Good but didn’t really stick with me. It was a little too noisy and intense for my tastes, I like punchier and energetic riffs. 7/10
Favorite song: weaponized loss
Least favorite: none on first listen
Vinterland- welcome to my last chapter
Very good melodic black metal. Sounded like a spiritual successor to Dissection. I’m not the biggest on black metal but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. 9/10
Favorite song: as I behold the dying sun
Least favorite: none
Skinless- trample the weak, hurdle the dead
Absolutely incredible modern brutal death/deathgrind/tech death whatever. Fucking brutal. Tone is immediately set by Overlord and the album just gets more and more intense and violent and it’s glorious. The breakdown at the end of Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated is 👌. The wicked world cover goes hard too. Absolute cinema plus badass cover 10/10
Favorite(s): Overlord, Deviation will not be tolerated
Least favorite: endvisioned
Skinless- from sacrifice to survival
Really good, not quite trample the weak but very solid album. Quickly becoming a favorite band of mine. 9/10
Favorite: title track
Least favorite: none
Secret chiefs 3- book M
I hated every second of this. I turned it off like halfway through, it’s just not my thing. I know it’s a Mr. bungle member project so I was expecting bizarre but not this weird. 2/10 because I can appreciate the creativity ig (even if it’s throwing random shit together).
Queens of the Stone Age S/T
QOTSA is a band I’ve always casually liked but I never could find myself to truly love Josh’s “solo” work because of how much in pales in comparison to Kyuss’ works. It just lacks the edge and the atmospheric feeling that those records had. I like Josh’s singing voice though. Pretty good album 7/10
Favorite song: Mexicola
Least favorite song: I was a teenage hand model (for the outro)
Dying Fetus- descend into depravity
Your Treachery… is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, of their songs. Really brutal; it just shows up, punches you in the nose, and leaves without overstaying its welcome. Good shit 8.5/10
Favorite song: Your Treachery Will Die With You
Least favorite: ethos of coercion
Eric Clapton- 461 Ocean Boulevard
I like Clapton as a guitarist but I harp on the fact that he’s not a good songwriter. This is more of a bluesy album than anything he did with Cream or Derek and the Dominos so obviously going to be somewhat different but I think this album isn’t particularly interesting. It’s kind of calming and a nice listen but it lacks a lot of stuff I like in music I think. 6/10
Favorite song: mainline Florida
Least favorite: let it grow
JPEGMAFIA is someone who pushes boundaries without making it sound ridiculous. I think he balances innovation and catchiness really well. some of the beats/riffs from this album are so well done I can’t believe it’s all done by just the one guy. I loved the original album and I think the deluxe tracks at the end of the album were really nice additions although I don’t think any of the ones that were added into the regular track list stuck out to me. A really tight, comprehensive project that I listen to very often and it’s great every time 9/10
Favorite song: Exmillitary
Least favorite: boy you should know
Discordance Axis- the inalienable dreamless
Not really my favorite kind of grindcore. I don’t like the shrieky vocals or the mix on this one. I like punchier more aggressive sounding grind like Pig Destroyer or Nails. Did not like this 3/10
Internal Bleeding- onward to Mecca
I didn’t finish this one so I’ll write an actual review when I do finish it (not because I didn’t like it but I was interrupted while listening to it and didn’t get back around to it)
Psycroptic- divine council
Very cool album, kind of technical yet melodic which is a really good niche I think. I surprisingly liked the double layered vocals or whatever was going on there because I usually don’t. 8/10
Favorite song: ashes of our empire
Least favorite: a fragile existence
Deeds of flesh- path of the weakening
Really menacing, sinister riffs. Reminds me a bit of Covenant by Morbid Angel but a bit more intense. Excellent debut and I can quickly see it becoming one of my favorites. I also like the little sound bites at the beginning of the title track and execute the anthropopagi that kind of tell the story of the song. I’m a detail oriented person so I really appreciate the little layers that add a lot to the album. 9/10
Favorite: title track
Least favorite: a violent god
King diamond- Abigail
I’ve been kind of slowly warming up to King Diamond’s voice mainly by listening to Don’t Break the Oath enough that it sounds “normal.” I know he’s usually a love it or hate it kind of vocalist but i kind of find myself in the middle. This doesn’t really have to do this album so I digress. LaRoque’s playing on this album makes up for every grievance I have with the King’s voice, holy shit it’s incredible. Just impeccable instrumentation throughout. The story is really cool and creepy too. This is probably my favorite of King Diamond’s work (including Mercyful Fate) I’ve heard so far. So evil, atmospheric and spooky. 10/10
Favorite track: arrival
Least favorite: none
Bathory- Twilight of the Gods
The only other “Viking” bathory album I’ve listened to thus far is Hammerheart which I loved I just never got around to the next Bathory albums. That album is a fucking riff clinic and a joy to listen to. I feel like Twilight carries over a lot of that energy and I think Quorthon’s clean vocals improved a bit here, they still sound goofy at times but I think he sounds great at others. I don’t think that the riffs are quite as punchy and as I looked back in my first listen I kinda remember them all sounding a lot alike. There are some songs on here that I thought were kind of forgettable and it doesn’t feel quite as heavy as Hammerheart. I also think it was kind of front-heavy. I’m harping on it really hard but, I liked this album a lot, not more than its predecessor though. 8/10
Favorite song: Blood and Iron
Least favorite: Hammerheart
Mercyful Fate- Melissa
Since I was listening to King Diamond yesterday I decided to revisit this classic. It’s awesome. Really thrashy, actually a bit progressive plus it’s got the signature concept of kind diamond’s style. Really good plus it’s just a classic. 9/10
Favorite song: at the sound of the demon bell
Least favorite: none
Bathory- Hammerheart
I was glazing this album yesterday and I was in a Bathory mood so I listened to this masterpiece again for the first time in a while and it’s just incredible. Honestly, I’d rank it in my top 10 metal albums of all time. Something about it makes me feel like it has that “it” factor that most but a few albums don’t have. Shores in Flames just starts out with a disgusting riff and it’s just pure riff perfection throughout the rest of the album. Sprawling, epic, and makes me want to charge into battle. I think quorthon’s singing here is probably my only nitpick because he’s still trying to do his black metal-ish voice but is also singing clean and it sounds really powerful sometimes but comes off a bit goofy otherwise. I don’t really care that much though as the album is so good it doesn’t really matter. Probably a top 10 metal album of all time for me. 11/10
Favorite track(s): shores in flames, father to son
Least favorite: song to hall up high
Bathory- blood on ice
Continuing on my impromptu Bathory binge I decided to check out blood on ice because the cover art makes it look like a continuation of twilight of the gods or something. I will say the production on this album is a bit lacking, the drums are almost crackly like an old record at some points. I’ll say it has a badass story, and it feels basically perfect for Bathory. It’s just a solid album all around. I think it felt a little bit more driven than twilight of the gods did. 8.5/10
Favorite(s) The Revenge of Blood on Ice, The Sword
Least favorite: the one-eyed old man (the 2 minutes of talking really kills the flow in terms of listening to the individual song but it has some killer riffs, the outro riff is incredible but only lasts like 30 seconds)
Dismember- the complete demos
I quite enjoy me some extreme metal demos, and I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Doesn’t sound like studio dismember at all, much more almost blackened death than their signature death n roll type sound. Solid demo tape 8/10
Venom- At War With Satan
I’m not sure this album has that much replay value outside of the title track. Kind of weird consistency in quality. The title track is fucking badass though. It by itself is a 9/10 the rest of the album in total is like a 7.
Favorite track: at war with satan
Least favorite: arrggghh
Manowar- battle hymns
Quite cheesy and campy, a bit too much so for my taste but I was surprised at how I did end up enjoying this quite a bit. It’s a lot like a rock n roll album with a bit of that NWOBHM punk-ish edge that reminds me of Di’Anno Iron Maiden. This is my first Manowar exposure so I didn’t really know what to expect but I did enjoy it. 7/10
Favorite song: title track
Least favorite: metal daze
Power Trip- Manifest Decimation
Actually had time to sit and listen to a record today while I was working on my computer. I picked this album up for a whopping $12 (wish it was the standard for vinyl price). I think this album gets overlooked when talking about Power Trip because their most famous work is Nightmare Logic, but this album is a thrash gem. I think Crossbreaker is my favorite power trip song. Just shows up, punches you in the nose and ends. Pure thrash aggression, 8.5/10
Favorite track: Crossbreaker
Least favorite: drown
Mastodon- crack the skye
Another favorite record of mine, it’s really good quality. I’ve listened to this album probably 100 times and it somehow never gets old. 10/10
Favorite track: The Last Baron
Least favorite: none
Unanimated- Ancient God of Evil
I am completely blown away. Don’t really see this album talked about very often but what a masterpiece this is. Some of the best harmonies and melodic riffage I’ve heard in extreme metal. Incredible sound engineering as well. There’s some really great lead work here, too. Really good, polished album. 9.5/10
Favorite track: dead calm
Least favorite: none
Ablaze my sorrow- if emotions still burn
Really reminds me of early At The Gates almost, judging off of the vocals and guitar tone, obviously it’s more black metal-ish than that but that was the analogy that popped into my mind. Very cool, similar to the previous album I listened to, I like this melodic-type blackened whatever. Not sure if it’s blackened melodeath or deathened meloblack, who cares, it’s just meaningless semantics. I really like the guitar and bass work on this one. 9/10
Favorite track: rise above the storming sea
Least favorite: none
Bloodbath- Unblessing the Purity
Really good EP by Bloodbath and probably my second favorite of their works behind The Wacken Carnage live album. This is a very strong output and I think it has way more of an edge than they had originally. I don’t know if it Axerod’s drumming or the Sodomizer replacing the great Dan Swanö but I think it just sounds more energetic than Resurrection and even Nightmares. Åkerfeldt cements himself as one of the GOAT metal vocalists here though, that’s for sure. 8.5/10
Favorite track: sick salvation
Least favorite: mouth of empty praise
Skinless- Foreshadowing Our Demise
Skinless is just one of those bands I’ve found lately I think I could just listen to forever. Their riffs are so tight and punchy, the guitar tone is impeccable, brutal but not “wall of noise” brutal, breakdowns that are heavy but don’t overdo it, great drumming, production, vocals, imagery, everything. Honestly, probably the perfect death metal band in my eyes. Their albums are just so consistently good all the way through I just never really have any commentary (and from banging my head so hard I get in a daze and forget what I listened to). Pool of stool is utterly ridiculous though but it did make me laugh so no major hit there. 9/10
Favorite track: smothered
Least favorite: merrie melody
Opeth- Blackwater Park
The goat 11/10
Favorite track: The Drapery Falls
Least fav: none
Dan Swanö- Moontower
This is a very good project. I still haven’t heard anything with Swanö that isn’t at least very good. I’m usually not a big fan of synthesizers but I think it’s done pretty tastefully on this album.
Them Crooked Vultures
Big fan of all of Josh Homme’s projects and I’d say that this is probably my favorite post-Kyuss album he’s made. I was hooked basically from the breakdown riff in No One Loves Me and Neither Do I. Insanely stacked band, too. Starts out strong but is a bit inconsistent imo. Laughed at Interlude With Ludes for the Minecraft song. Ends on a great note though. 8/10
Favorite song: No One Loves Me…
Least Favorite: scumbag blues
Kyuss- Blues for the red sun
Probably my favorite Kyuss album, it’s just so good. Can’t stop listening to it and it gets better every time I listen. 10/10
Favorite song: 50 million year trip
Least favorite: yeah
Ne Obliviscaris- Exul
It’s a Ne Obliviscaris album. It’s not their best but it’s still very good, sonically beautiful and a great listen all around. I like them but their music never has quite stuck with me. 8/10
Favorite track: Graal
Least favorite: anhedonia
Animals as leaders- The Madness of Many
Great band to study too with some extremely impressive lead playing. 8/10
Favorite song: The Brain Dance
Least favorite: Apeirophobia
Mercyful fate- Don’t break the oath
Been obsessed with a dangerous meeting lately. Had to listen while studying. Can’t write long reviews today, 2 exams Wednesday. 11/10 one of the best albums ever.
Favorite song: a dangerous meeting
Least favorite: to one far away (kinda cheating)
Dying- hooded guy
Badass record, love what relapse has done with their reissues. If I own the album on vinyl it’s safe to assume I really love it. 9/10
Favorite: bite the pain
Least favorite: a moment of clarity (no shade, still good just listen to it less than others)
Meshuggah- Catch Thirty Three
One of the best and most profound concept albums I’ve ever heard. Flows together perfectly and is one of the most cohesive works of music in metal. It’s been in my rotation for years and I still find new things ever listen Excellent stuff. 10/10
Favorite songs: autonomy lost to entrapment and shed to sum (basically the whole album)
Least favorite: minds mirrors (for replay value lol)
Gorement- the ending quest
Absolutely beautiful guitar work throughout this one. It’s a harmony masterpiece. Reminds me a lot of Amorphis. 10/10
Favorite song: silent hymn (for the dead)
Least favorite: none
Opeth- Deliverance
Yes 10/10
Favorite track(s): Deliverance, Masters Apprentices, By the Pain I See in Others
Least favorite: no
Hath- All that was promised
First of all, sick ass album cover. An interesting trend I noticed listening to this album is they tend to slow it down a lot in the last minute of some songs, which I think adds some nice variation. Not breakdowns necessarily but just slowing the tempo. Really promising “new” band. Will listen to their previous releases and eagerly wait for a new one.
Favorite song: name them yet build no monument
Least favorite: title track
Dying fetus- stop at nothing
Probably their best album 9.5/10
Favorite: Abandon all hope
Scald- will of the gods is a great power
Trying to fill the hammerheart shaped hole in my heart. This one is pretty good, although slower and gloomier than I had hoped. Sounds more like twilight of the gods. The singer didn’t really grow on me. Nice atmosphere but didn’t really live up to my expectations. 7.5/10
Favorite song: night sky
Least favorite: tumulus
Falkenbach- en their medh riki fara
I really do not like folk metal. Mixed feelings about this one for sure. 5/10
Favorite track: galadralag
Least favorite: basically everything else
Nekromantheon- rise Vulcan specter
Really good uptempo thrash. It’s my favorite kind of thrash and I’ve been struggling to find bands in that genre outside of the classic Sodom, Kreator, Sepultura, Demolition Hammer, Holocuasto, etc. and got this recommended and really enjoyed it. Sounds a lot like Schizophrenia by Sepultura . Awesome guitar tone and riffs.
Favorite song: raised by dogs
Least favorite:
Opeth- Morningrise
I don’t listen to this album super often because I find it quite depressing (sorrow) but it has a beautiful melancholic atmosphere. It’s very beautiful but also very heavy (emotionally not musically).
Favorite song: the Night and the Silent Water
Least favorite: none
Slayer- hell awaits
A classic in the genre, slayers first two albums are the only ones I listen to anymore. I love the draw from bands like venom and mercyful fate. Super evil, this album has literal death metal riffs. The production isn’t the greatest but I think it adds to the raw, evil atmosphere. Brilliant stuff. 9/10
Favorite song: At down they sleep
Least favorite: necrophiliac
Inculter- fatal visions
My ears were just relentlessly pounded (pause) for 34 minutes. Great stuff, the rhythm section really shines on the production of this album. 8.5/10
Favorite: through relic gates
Least favorite:
Kyuss- and the circus leaves town
Amazing album and a great send off
Favorite song: spaceship landing
Least favorite: na
Denzel curry- KOTMS 2
Really good album and a favorite record of mine. It’s a beautiful purple color. I love Memphis trap and this is a great homage
Favorite song: Sked
Least favorite: hot one
Meshuggah- nothing
Wish this wasn’t a 2LP but the red marble is sick. Love this album, super chunky and heavy.
Favorite song: rational gaze
Least favorite: obsidian
Decided to actually journal my listening this month. Didn’t write a lot but it’s good to have notes.
No Cure- I hope I die Here
It’s alright, I enjoyed the intensity of the first 2 songs but I got bored pretty quick. Probably won’t relisten because it’s not really my style but I wanted to hear what the hype was about. 5/10
Favorite song: Hang me from the Bible Belt
Least favorite: the problem is you
Virtiol- Suffer and Become
Good but didn’t really stick with me. It was a little too noisy and intense for my tastes, I like punchier and energetic riffs. 7/10
Favorite song: weaponized loss
Least favorite: none on first listen
Vinterland- welcome to my last chapter
Very good melodic black metal. Sounded like a spiritual successor to Dissection. I’m not the biggest on black metal but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. 9/10
Favorite song: as I behold the dying sun
Least favorite: none
Skinless- trample the weak, hurdle the dead
Absolutely incredible modern brutal death/deathgrind/tech death whatever. Fucking brutal. Tone is immediately set by Overlord and the album just gets more and more intense and violent and it’s glorious. The breakdown at the end of Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated is 👌. The wicked world cover goes hard too. Absolute cinema plus badass cover 10/10
Favorite(s): Overlord, Deviation will not be tolerated
Least favorite: endvisioned
Skinless- from sacrifice to survival
Really good, not quite trample the weak but very solid album. Quickly becoming a favorite band of mine. 9/10
Favorite: title track
Least favorite: none
Secret chiefs 3- book M
I hated every second of this. I turned it off like halfway through, it’s just not my thing. I know it’s a Mr. bungle member project so I was expecting bizarre but not this weird. 2/10 because I can appreciate the creativity ig (even if it’s throwing random shit together).
Queens of the Stone Age S/T
QOTSA is a band I’ve always casually liked but I never could find myself to truly love Josh’s “solo” work because of how much in pales in comparison to Kyuss’ works. It just lacks the edge and the atmospheric feeling that those records had. I like Josh’s singing voice though. Pretty good album 7/10
Favorite song: Mexicola
Least favorite song: I was a teenage hand model (for the outro)
Dying Fetus- descend into depravity
Your Treachery… is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, of their songs. Really brutal; it just shows up, punches you in the nose, and leaves without overstaying its welcome. Good shit 8.5/10
Favorite song: Your Treachery Will Die With You
Least favorite: ethos of coercion
Eric Clapton- 461 Ocean Boulevard
I like Clapton as a guitarist but I harp on the fact that he’s not a good songwriter. This is more of a bluesy album than anything he did with Cream or Derek and the Dominos so obviously going to be somewhat different but I think this album isn’t particularly interesting. It’s kind of calming and a nice listen but it lacks a lot of stuff I like in music I think. 6/10
Favorite song: mainline Florida
Least favorite: let it grow
JPEGMAFIA is someone who pushes boundaries without making it sound ridiculous. I think he balances innovation and catchiness really well. some of the beats/riffs from this album are so well done I can’t believe it’s all done by just the one guy. I loved the original album and I think the deluxe tracks at the end of the album were really nice additions although I don’t think any of the ones that were added into the regular track list stuck out to me. A really tight, comprehensive project that I listen to very often and it’s great every time 9/10
Favorite song: Exmillitary
Least favorite: boy you should know
Discordance Axis- the inalienable dreamless
Not really my favorite kind of grindcore. I don’t like the shrieky vocals or the mix on this one. I like punchier more aggressive sounding grind like Pig Destroyer or Nails. Did not like this 3/10
Internal Bleeding- onward to Mecca
I didn’t finish this one so I’ll write an actual review when I do finish it (not because I didn’t like it but I was interrupted while listening to it and didn’t get back around to it)
Psycroptic- divine council
Very cool album, kind of technical yet melodic which is a really good niche I think. I surprisingly liked the double layered vocals or whatever was going on there because I usually don’t. 8/10
Favorite song: ashes of our empire
Least favorite: a fragile existence
Deeds of flesh- path of the weakening
Really menacing, sinister riffs. Reminds me a bit of Covenant by Morbid Angel but a bit more intense. Excellent debut and I can quickly see it becoming one of my favorites. I also like the little sound bites at the beginning of the title track and execute the anthropopagi that kind of tell the story of the song. I’m a detail oriented person so I really appreciate the little layers that add a lot to the album. 9/10
Favorite: title track
Least favorite: a violent god
King diamond- Abigail
I’ve been kind of slowly warming up to King Diamond’s voice mainly by listening to Don’t Break the Oath enough that it sounds “normal.” I know he’s usually a love it or hate it kind of vocalist but i kind of find myself in the middle. This doesn’t really have to do this album so I digress. LaRoque’s playing on this album makes up for every grievance I have with the King’s voice, holy shit it’s incredible. Just impeccable instrumentation throughout. The story is really cool and creepy too. This is probably my favorite of King Diamond’s work (including Mercyful Fate) I’ve heard so far. So evil, atmospheric and spooky. 10/10
Favorite track: arrival
Least favorite: none
Bathory- Twilight of the Gods
The only other “Viking” bathory album I’ve listened to thus far is Hammerheart which I loved I just never got around to the next Bathory albums. That album is a fucking riff clinic and a joy to listen to. I feel like Twilight carries over a lot of that energy and I think Quorthon’s clean vocals improved a bit here, they still sound goofy at times but I think he sounds great at others. I don’t think that the riffs are quite as punchy and as I looked back in my first listen I kinda remember them all sounding a lot alike. There are some songs on here that I thought were kind of forgettable and it doesn’t feel quite as heavy as Hammerheart. I also think it was kind of front-heavy. I’m harping on it really hard but, I liked this album a lot, not more than its predecessor though. 8/10
Favorite song: Blood and Iron
Least favorite: Hammerheart
Mercyful Fate- Melissa
Since I was listening to King Diamond yesterday I decided to revisit this classic. It’s awesome. Really thrashy, actually a bit progressive plus it’s got the signature concept of kind diamond’s style. Really good plus it’s just a classic. 9/10
Favorite song: at the sound of the demon bell
Least favorite: none
Bathory- Hammerheart
I was glazing this album yesterday and I was in a Bathory mood so I listened to this masterpiece again for the first time in a while and it’s just incredible. Honestly, I’d rank it in my top 10 metal albums of all time. Something about it makes me feel like it has that “it” factor that most but a few albums don’t have. Shores in Flames just starts out with a disgusting riff and it’s just pure riff perfection throughout the rest of the album. Sprawling, epic, and makes me want to charge into battle. I think quorthon’s singing here is probably my only nitpick because he’s still trying to do his black metal-ish voice but is also singing clean and it sounds really powerful sometimes but comes off a bit goofy otherwise. I don’t really care that much though as the album is so good it doesn’t really matter. Probably a top 10 metal album of all time for me. 11/10
Favorite track(s): shores in flames, father to son
Least favorite: song to hall up high
Bathory- blood on ice
Continuing on my impromptu Bathory binge I decided to check out blood on ice because the cover art makes it look like a continuation of twilight of the gods or something. I will say the production on this album is a bit lacking, the drums are almost crackly like an old record at some points. I’ll say it has a badass story, and it feels basically perfect for Bathory. It’s just a solid album all around. I think it felt a little bit more driven than twilight of the gods did. 8.5/10
Favorite(s) The Revenge of Blood on Ice, The Sword
Least favorite: the one-eyed old man (the 2 minutes of talking really kills the flow in terms of listening to the individual song but it has some killer riffs, the outro riff is incredible but only lasts like 30 seconds)
Dismember- the complete demos
I quite enjoy me some extreme metal demos, and I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Doesn’t sound like studio dismember at all, much more almost blackened death than their signature death n roll type sound. Solid demo tape 8/10
Venom- At War With Satan
I’m not sure this album has that much replay value outside of the title track. Kind of weird consistency in quality. The title track is fucking badass though. It by itself is a 9/10 the rest of the album in total is like a 7.
Favorite track: at war with satan
Least favorite: arrggghh
Manowar- battle hymns
Quite cheesy and campy, a bit too much so for my taste but I was surprised at how I did end up enjoying this quite a bit. It’s a lot like a rock n roll album with a bit of that NWOBHM punk-ish edge that reminds me of Di’Anno Iron Maiden. This is my first Manowar exposure so I didn’t really know what to expect but I did enjoy it. 7/10
Favorite song: title track
Least favorite: metal daze
Power Trip- Manifest Decimation
Actually had time to sit and listen to a record today while I was working on my computer. I picked this album up for a whopping $12 (wish it was the standard for vinyl price). I think this album gets overlooked when talking about Power Trip because their most famous work is Nightmare Logic, but this album is a thrash gem. I think Crossbreaker is my favorite power trip song. Just shows up, punches you in the nose and ends. Pure thrash aggression, 8.5/10
Favorite track: Crossbreaker
Least favorite: drown
Mastodon- crack the skye
Another favorite record of mine, it’s really good quality. I’ve listened to this album probably 100 times and it somehow never gets old. 10/10
Favorite track: The Last Baron
Least favorite: none
Unanimated- Ancient God of Evil
I am completely blown away. Don’t really see this album talked about very often but what a masterpiece this is. Some of the best harmonies and melodic riffage I’ve heard in extreme metal. Incredible sound engineering as well. There’s some really great lead work here, too. Really good, polished album. 9.5/10
Favorite track: dead calm
Least favorite: none
Ablaze my sorrow- if emotions still burn
Really reminds me of early At The Gates almost, judging off of the vocals and guitar tone, obviously it’s more black metal-ish than that but that was the analogy that popped into my mind. Very cool, similar to the previous album I listened to, I like this melodic-type blackened whatever. Not sure if it’s blackened melodeath or deathened meloblack, who cares, it’s just meaningless semantics. I really like the guitar and bass work on this one. 9/10
Favorite track: rise above the storming sea
Least favorite: none
Bloodbath- Unblessing the Purity
Really good EP by Bloodbath and probably my second favorite of their works behind The Wacken Carnage live album. This is a very strong output and I think it has way more of an edge than they had originally. I don’t know if it Axerod’s drumming or the Sodomizer replacing the great Dan Swanö but I think it just sounds more energetic than Resurrection and even Nightmares. Åkerfeldt cements himself as one of the GOAT metal vocalists here though, that’s for sure. 8.5/10
Favorite track: sick salvation
Least favorite: mouth of empty praise
Skinless- Foreshadowing Our Demise
Skinless is just one of those bands I’ve found lately I think I could just listen to forever. Their riffs are so tight and punchy, the guitar tone is impeccable, brutal but not “wall of noise” brutal, breakdowns that are heavy but don’t overdo it, great drumming, production, vocals, imagery, everything. Honestly, probably the perfect death metal band in my eyes. Their albums are just so consistently good all the way through I just never really have any commentary (and from banging my head so hard I get in a daze and forget what I listened to). Pool of stool is utterly ridiculous though but it did make me laugh so no major hit there. 9/10
Favorite track: smothered
Least favorite: merrie melody
Opeth- Blackwater Park
The goat 11/10
Favorite track: The Drapery Falls
Least fav: none
Dan Swanö- Moontower
This is a very good project. I still haven’t heard anything with Swanö that isn’t at least very good. I’m usually not a big fan of synthesizers but I think it’s done pretty tastefully on this album.
Them Crooked Vultures
Big fan of all of Josh Homme’s projects and I’d say that this is probably my favorite post-Kyuss album he’s made. I was hooked basically from the breakdown riff in No One Loves Me and Neither Do I. Insanely stacked band, too. Starts out strong but is a bit inconsistent imo. Laughed at Interlude With Ludes for the Minecraft song. Ends on a great note though. 8/10
Favorite song: No One Loves Me…
Least Favorite: scumbag blues
Kyuss- Blues for the red sun
Probably my favorite Kyuss album, it’s just so good. Can’t stop listening to it and it gets better every time I listen. 10/10
Favorite song: 50 million year trip
Least favorite: yeah
Ne Obliviscaris- Exul
It’s a Ne Obliviscaris album. It’s not their best but it’s still very good, sonically beautiful and a great listen all around. I like them but their music never has quite stuck with me. 8/10
Favorite track: Graal
Least favorite: anhedonia
Animals as leaders- The Madness of Many
Great band to study too with some extremely impressive lead playing. 8/10
Favorite song: The Brain Dance
Least favorite: Apeirophobia
Mercyful fate- Don’t break the oath
Been obsessed with a dangerous meeting lately. Had to listen while studying. Can’t write long reviews today, 2 exams Wednesday. 11/10 one of the best albums ever.
Favorite song: a dangerous meeting
Least favorite: to one far away (kinda cheating)
Dying- hooded guy
Badass record, love what relapse has done with their reissues. If I own the album on vinyl it’s safe to assume I really love it. 9/10
Favorite: bite the pain
Least favorite: a moment of clarity (no shade, still good just listen to it less than others)
Meshuggah- Catch Thirty Three
One of the best and most profound concept albums I’ve ever heard. Flows together perfectly and is one of the most cohesive works of music in metal. It’s been in my rotation for years and I still find new things ever listen Excellent stuff. 10/10
Favorite songs: autonomy lost to entrapment and shed to sum (basically the whole album)
Least favorite: minds mirrors (for replay value lol)
Gorement- the ending quest
Absolutely beautiful guitar work throughout this one. It’s a harmony masterpiece. Reminds me a lot of Amorphis. 10/10
Favorite song: silent hymn (for the dead)
Least favorite: none
Opeth- Deliverance
Yes 10/10
Favorite track(s): Deliverance, Masters Apprentices, By the Pain I See in Others
Least favorite: no
Hath- All that was promised
First of all, sick ass album cover. An interesting trend I noticed listening to this album is they tend to slow it down a lot in the last minute of some songs, which I think adds some nice variation. Not breakdowns necessarily but just slowing the tempo. Really promising “new” band. Will listen to their previous releases and eagerly wait for a new one.
Favorite song: name them yet build no monument
Least favorite: title track
Dying fetus- stop at nothing
Probably their best album 9.5/10
Favorite: Abandon all hope
Scald- will of the gods is a great power
Trying to fill the hammerheart shaped hole in my heart. This one is pretty good, although slower and gloomier than I had hoped. Sounds more like twilight of the gods. The singer didn’t really grow on me. Nice atmosphere but didn’t really live up to my expectations. 7.5/10
Favorite song: night sky
Least favorite: tumulus
Falkenbach- en their medh riki fara
I really do not like folk metal. Mixed feelings about this one for sure. 5/10
Favorite track: galadralag
Least favorite: basically everything else
Nekromantheon- rise Vulcan specter
Really good uptempo thrash. It’s my favorite kind of thrash and I’ve been struggling to find bands in that genre outside of the classic Sodom, Kreator, Sepultura, Demolition Hammer, Holocuasto, etc. and got this recommended and really enjoyed it. Sounds a lot like Schizophrenia by Sepultura . Awesome guitar tone and riffs.
Favorite song: raised by dogs
Least favorite:
Opeth- Morningrise
I don’t listen to this album super often because I find it quite depressing (sorrow) but it has a beautiful melancholic atmosphere. It’s very beautiful but also very heavy (emotionally not musically).
Favorite song: the Night and the Silent Water
Least favorite: none
Slayer- hell awaits
A classic in the genre, slayers first two albums are the only ones I listen to anymore. I love the draw from bands like venom and mercyful fate. Super evil, this album has literal death metal riffs. The production isn’t the greatest but I think it adds to the raw, evil atmosphere. Brilliant stuff. 9/10
Favorite song: At down they sleep
Least favorite: necrophiliac
Inculter- fatal visions
My ears were just relentlessly pounded (pause) for 34 minutes. Great stuff, the rhythm section really shines on the production of this album. 8.5/10
Favorite: through relic gates
Least favorite:
Kyuss- and the circus leaves town
Amazing album and a great send off
Favorite song: spaceship landing
Least favorite: na
Denzel curry- KOTMS 2
Really good album and a favorite record of mine. It’s a beautiful purple color. I love Memphis trap and this is a great homage
Favorite song: Sked
Least favorite: hot one
Meshuggah- nothing
Wish this wasn’t a 2LP but the red marble is sick. Love this album, super chunky and heavy.
Favorite song: rational gaze
Least favorite: obsidian