Officially not worth playing

If you guys have any doubt if it’s worth playing this side game or even if you’re someone anxious like me who really wanted to the how this game “ends” this is your sign to just stop where you are.

I bought 2 packages of gems and extra energy, which gave me at least 800 side game energies, spent a lot of gems buying extra energy on that boxes that pops up once you use all your gems and another whole lot of extra energy on the main board and still it’s been at least a whole day just getting the same stupid fishes and never one of the one I need to finish it.

Not to mention how freaking annoying is the fishing box lowering level time and time again and spending rivers of energy to level it up again… 🫠

I’m Brazilian so buying the items in the game with real money is quite expensive for us and this is so frustrating that I even feel disrespected to some level. What is the point of playing a game that doesn’t matter what you do you can’t get to finish it?

This was definitely my last chance to this freaking fishing scam of a game. 😮‍💨