Has anyone noticed a lot of homophobic insults about gay men from woke people, including feminists?
People who claim to be oh so tolerant about gay people often can use some of the most homophobic shit about their insults. They get mad if someone says gay as an insult, but they act homophobic as shit. They accuse random conservatives of being secretly gay, and accuse people of enjoying being pegged. One feminist coined the phrase "peg the patriarchy".
Or feminists who tell manosphere men to fuck other men as an insult, or when r/IncelTears says "incels think more about chads' dick than women" to ridicule them.
They're implying that being gay is a choice and that people can change their sexuality or that being gay is a behavior instead of a sexuality.
Or referring to Andr3w T@te's fans as his boyfriends, but they don't call P3arl D4vis' fans her boyfriends even though they're all males.
They portray "misogynistic men" as gay at times.
Homophobic insults still exist but are more subtle now. They now get less detected. The irony is that it's the left who use these insults more.