I am now That Lady in the fitness class.

You know, the one who can't figure out the zumba steps even though we've been doing the same songs and moves for 5+ years, the one who's nervous of balancing moves in the weights class and has to modify. Essentially, the one 48 year old me would look at with a bit of pity and an embarrassing sense of superiority, with my perfect zumba coordination and excellent balance. 3 years later and I don't recognize myself. Just trying my best to move through this with a shred of grace. I think this is why it's important we tell our stories - so everyone, including younger women, understand what the full experience of being a woman might be over the course of a lifetime, and how there's only so much an individual person has control over. Anyone else getting a dose of humility out of such unexpected changes to balance and coordination?

EDIT: I truly appreciate folks for calling me out on how judgmental I sounded in my post!! Trust me - all my judgment has been directed at me! Probably "pity" was not quite the word I meant - seeing all the different people in my class makes me happy. PLEASE never let concern about what others think stop you from enjoying movement, whatever it is!!! Srsly WHO CARES what some stranger in a class thinks about you? Regardless, I have been humbled by these unexpected changes and wanted to share my lesson in humility. Also, if you're shy but like moving to music, look up Misty Tripoli!!!!