HRT for perimenopause/menopause

Who has used hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms? What did you take, how long before it started to work and how much did it help?Especially if you are Black? I am 51, having so many issues lately and my dr suggested it is menopause. I:

-am constantly spraining something-- hands, fingers, leg, ankle etc.

--Mouth sores and tongue that burns and is swollen.

-wake up in the middle of the night soaking wet.

-feel either numb or more depressed than I usually am.


-feel like my thoughts aren't as clear/sharp

-SO TIRED, but can't seem to get enough rest.

-Itchy ears!

-single, but no desire what so ever for intimacy. I went on a date and the guy kissed me on the cheek and I was totally creeped out.

I just feel very "off". My doc suggested HRT but I wanted to know how others did on it, especially from a Black woman's persective.

*PS: please, no natural recommendations or remedys. I already take a ton of medication for an organ transplant, so natural herbs etc. are a no go for me.