Will he die soon?
I'm not going to insult your all's intelligence by saying the dude's got dementia. He's shown signs since his last term. Dementia goes on in 7 stages before the patients die (takes a total of 12 years). Based on the signs I've seen on TV, I'm guestimating he's entering stage 7, or is in stage 6, but late in the stage. It's promising. Not trying to insult individuals with dementia, but I'm pretty sure this is the only patient that looks like he's got Swiss cheese for a brain.
What about Musky boy? Well I'm sure you've seen him on TV. Dude is NOT there. Rolling his head, glassy eyes, irrational behaviors. Indicators substance abuse. There's been reports of him taking dangerous amounts of a hard substance (I'm guessing either Meth or Crack). He ain't looking too good either.
I'm not one to wish death on someone, but I hope they just don't wake up one morning.