The System Has Failed Appreciation thread

One of their best love it just as much today as I did when i bought it back in 2004. This was the first album by megadeth I experienced as a new release, I got into megadeth in 2002. i will never forget hearing the first 4 tracks for the first time and been blown away of how awesome these songs where even if the rest of the album sucked i wouldn't have cared because them 4 songs where all killer songs especially Kick The Chair which i would put in my top 5 songs by megadeth. Then you have Back In The Day which is incredible and then you have what in my opinion has to be one of the most slept on songs by megadeth which is Truth Be Told which is awesome never seems to receive any love. I know Jack isn't a song really its good music for like 40 seconds , a bit of a shame that music was wasted on a musical interlude and I feel the same way about shadow of death but it is what it is , i think Tears In A Vial is a good song, Something That I'm Not is a brilliant song, Of Mice And Men is a good song then you have My Kingdom which is a decent song i wouldn't go any further than that for that song.

I know music is all subjective and everyone has their own tastes but when i see people's rankings of megadeth albums TSHF is always so low, one guy had it in 15th place just ahead of super collider and I just don't get it what am hearing that they are not, this album has everything that a megadeth fan could want from them, its like they took elements of RIP,CTE,PSBWB and Youthanasia mixed it all together and we got TSHF. This album will always have a special place in my heart, i don't consider this album their best but I do consider it my favourite if you know where i am coming from (emotion wise)

Anyway is there anyone out there that shares my sentiments on this album or am i all alone in my absolute love for this album and consider it some of their finest work (or Dave an co finest lol)