Meditation Vision
Today I meditated after a very long time of not doing it.
Due to the fact that I'm going through a very strange period, I have a constant pressure in my head and due to some traumas that made me have PTSD the other day, I thought it would be a good idea to find ways to calm myself down. Meditation is the best choice. As far as I'm concerned.
I heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza some time ago, but never stopped to learn more about his teachings.
In any case, long-stort short, I have meditated with the help of a guided meditation by him: Dr. Joe Dispenza - Self-Healing Guided Meditation For Emotional and Physical Healing. I said that maybe I could reduce some of the pressure in my head and calm myself down. I had a much more intense experience. At first I felt myself calming down, starting to think that I am healing from things. I felt a vibration in the places where I focused and then I felt joy and love.
At one point, I saw something white. Light, I think. Very strange. I said to go on. Somehow, I don't know how I got to that place (I think it's some kind of vision), I was somehow in a very calm place, like in the sky, where I was in front of some people of light who had something on their foreheads. An even stronger light (the one on the forehead). I think it was just my spirit or my energy there. In front of them. I don't know. I felt like I wanted to go to them. But I stopped because I didn't know what was going to happen.
I want clarity. I want to know what happened.