Market stalls explained!
Since there is a seems to be a lot of confusion and frequent posts here asking about market stalls, and which items to sell to get the most profit, and people seemingly getting even more confused when told that the item type does not matter, I thought I will try my best to explain it. For simplicity's sake I will use some examples with numbers that are not 100% correct. Skip to TLDR if you want the short explanation ;)
How they work:
A market stall has a maximum amount of gold it can create per day. It will stop selling items once this amount is reached. This maximum scales with the diplomacy skill and productivity of the vendor .
Lets say a level 1 vendor can create up to 100g a day, a level 10 vendor 1000g a day and assume the price for wooden logs is 1g/p, an iron crossbow is 1000g/p. You have one vendor selling logs and one selling iron crossbows.
The vendor selling wooden logs will sell 100 logs for 100 gold per day at lvl1 and 1000 logs for 1000 gold at lvl10. The vendor selling crossbows will be selling 0.1 crossbows (or one every 10 days) for 100 gold at lvl1 & 1 crossbow for 1000 gold at lvl 10.
So while it technically doesn't matter what items you sell, you will likely find it easier to produce to produce one crossbow every day over producing 1000 logs per day in order to reach the amount needed for a total of 1000 gold.
So how to choose what item(s) to sell?
Profitible items are defined by having a good tradeoff between their item value & how easy/fast they are to produce. You need to be able to create enough of an item so that sum of their values reaches/exceeds the gold limit of your stall. So what people mean by "the item doesn't matter" is - if 330 feathers sell for a total of 1k, they work just as well as selling 0.2 elite armors, as long as you CAN produce 330+ feathers every day.
While there are definitely some items that are better choices than others, it very much depends on your own economy and workforce or if you are manually carfting the wares. If you have a good production workforce, it is a good choice to sell eg. weapons or clothes, if you have high level hunters it might actually be good to sell feathers instead.
If you want to truly maximize your output and are willing to do the math for it, you can check the production times, prices & materials for many items on the wiki or use the MD Manager spreadsheets at .
Personal recommendations
I personally recommend just checking where you have excess goods to spare & experimenting with work intensities. Item production times only loosely correlate with item values, so by playing around with different items I found that for example 1x coat sold for the price of 2x gloves (at roughly the same material cost), but NPCs were only able to create 1.5 gloves in the time it took to create 1 coat - making the coat the superior choice in that scenario. I also realized that the workshop 3 produces 3x faster than the previous versions - leaving my workers with lots of time to spare, therefore prompting me to create and sell lanterns. I think lanterns are generally a good choice, due to low material cost & fast production but also because they count as weapons/tools, so if you cannot create enough wares with your smithy, you could split the work, and e,g set intensity to 60% iron swords, 40% lanterns. Alcohol also seems to be a good choice (I just haven't invested a lot into the tavern yet). Overall from my experience and the things I have seen others mention good choices are:
- raw/ low tier goods: feathers, honey, flour, fertilizer
- smithy: iron weapons & armor ( iron crossbows seem to have the lowest material cost vs item price ratio)
- sewing hut: clothes & bags/backpacks
- workshop: lanterns
- tavern: drinks (mead, applewine seem to be people's go to choices)
Important sidenotes:
NPCs are NOT affected by your skills, unless the skill specifically state so. Therefore NPCs will always sell items at 100% 50% base price, even if you have the diplomacy skill increasing sales prices. So if you are still early in the game and pressed for money, it is a better choice to manually sell items, as long as vendors have the cash to buy them.
Diplomacy skill levels INSANELY fast - just keep that in mind when planning your economy. Your vendors will almost certainly outlevel your workforce, so if you produce enough items for a lvl 5 vendor now, you may need to double that for a lvl 10 vendor in just a few days.
Market stalls have a maximum amount of gold they can create per day NOT a maximum amount of goods they sell, this amount scales with the vendor's diplomacy skill & productivity rates, capped at around 1380 gold. No matter what items you sell, you can never get more cash than this limit. When picking an item you basically just need to ask yourself if you can (easily) create the required amount with the formular: amount * 0.5*item baseprice= vendor maximum . (edit: corrected to 0.5x baseprice)
feathers (3g baseprice): amount\1.5g = 1380 gold* -> amount=920 feathers sold every day
iron crossbow (1530g baseprice): amount\765g = 1380 gold* -> amount=1.8 crossbows sold every day
So selling feathers is just as good as selling crossbows, as long as you can create enough of them per day, as your vendor will obviously need to sell more feathers to reach their limit.
I tried to do the math after somebody pointed out the baseprice statement is wrong.
It seems that item baseprice is the price shown in your inventory.
The market stalls seem to sell at 0.5*baseprice, the player however sells items for ~0.62 *baseprice, increased to 0.8*baseprice with max lvl sales diplomacy skill. Iron arrows eg. are listed at 50g in your inventory, sold for 25g in the market stalls & sold for 40g from the player (with lvl3 diplomacy skill).
So, the player always sells items for more, but with the diplomacy skill, you sell items for over 50% more than your vendors do. So keep that in mind and maybe try to sell as much as you can manually if you are still pressed for cash.