3.5 Years In and Feeling Stuck

27m here and looking for some advice on where to go with my career. For some context I started my career working for a national DME supplier. We billed insurance and shipped supplies (Advanced Wound, Catheters, Ostomy supplies) direct to patients. I had a market spanning 7 states and had a lot of success. The call points were mostly outpatient wound and urology clinics, doc offices and rehab hospitals. Since we were supplying a DME service much of my work was from home managing active orders, putting out fires and ensuring my accounts were always up to speed with where patients were at with their orders. I won rookie of the year and made presidents club my second year finishing 3/87 in the stack rankings. It was great experience for me to learn the industry but I felt like I needed experience selling a product and wanted to work for a manufacturer.

Around the 1.5 year mark my quota was raised 150% and that was my catalyst to leave. I was promised leadership opportunities with my team but felt it was more of a way to retain me and there wasn’t a clear timeline. I took a job with a new Urology manufacturer, which at the time was risky but I knew I wanted to sell a product and get more hands on experience selling to docs. I’ve done well the last year and a half and have been over quota every month. I was the first rep they hired and our team now has 30 reps across the country. My markets are competitive and there isn’t much brand loyalty in urology unless you work for one of the top manufacturers with the best products (Coloplast/Hollister). Theres 8 or so manufacturers that matter, I’d say our place is 5/8 on that list and where we win is on price through distribution which doesn’t help me in the field. Often times I feel like a glorified caterer and like I don’t have any way to win with my product. My success has been based on the relationships I’ve formed but my product is never their first choice.

I’m still doing well and financially I’ve done well too. (Between $110-150 gross) the last 3 years. With my quota scaling significantly this year I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel in Urology and don’t feel like I’m learning anything more at this point either. I value my work life balance and have complete control of my schedule but I just feel like I can be doing way more. I’ve considered OR jobs, Pharma, Wound Care and Capital equipment but not sure what’s right for me at this point. I know the OR would be a big shift in day to day responsibilities but would like the challenge and ability to keep learning. I also know that id probably need to take a step back financially for a few years as an associate if that was the route I took. I’m not sure I can do that, I live in SoCal and $150 didn’t feel like much last year (sorry if that sounds conceded). I feel stuck right now and don’t feel fulfilled or challenged with my work beyond trying to meet quota. Catheters are basic and straight forward and there isn’t much deviation between products.

Does anyone have any advice for me on a good route to take from here? I haven’t started applying yet but got my resume updated to do so. I’m looking for an industry/company that I can grow and earn with, where there’s opportunity and actionable steps to advance my career. I know sales has its ebs and flows and that the grass isn’t always greener but I’m ready for a change.

Appreciate any and all feedback here!