Disabled daughter denied medicaid - no real reason given

My adult disabled daughter applied for food stamps and Medicaid in Florida. She was approved for SNAP but denied medicaid. On the 30th day of waiting for an application update, she was hospitalized again (mental health). We called from the hospital and spoke to a DCF representative who went over the requested docs and we answered every single one was uploaded. The representative stated they were needing a disability determination interview and since my daughter was going inpatient - they would include that in the notes - to contact her authorized representative (her father). Instead - they denied her the next day with "WE DID NOT RECEIVE ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILTY." Which, we provided everything they asked for within 24 hours and nothing was ever said until the denial. We are appealing, but why would they deny her with such a vague reasoning? She provided application of SSDI (still waiting for determination there), her medical diagnosis, medical bills outstanding over 1k, all signed documents they requested, proof of loss of income verification (she only made less than 1000 a month as a part time worker signed by her former job) and cannot sustain gainful employment due to her complex MH issues. She had to leave due to a severe episode.

Just looking for any advice or information and if this is common because no one ever called her or us ( I had her phone).