Great-Grandfathers Shadow Box
Great Grandfather served in World War 2 fighting the Japanese. I already know all the medals he has and what he did so I’m just sharing to add to the conversation. According to my grandfather he only told a few stories.
1). During Cavalry training, his horse wouldn’t stay in the stable and he didn’t know why. So he slept in the stable to see who was opening the gate up. Turns out the horse was jumping out of the stable and would escape completely on its own. Upon seeing this he would show off in training by jumping over gates, hay bales, and etc. when the Drill Sargent saw this he took the horse for his own and gave him a lame mule.
2). When guarding a post in the Philippines he was behind a .50 Cal machine gun. He heard a man coming down the road at night in what sounded like wood shoes. A little startled, he turned the .50 Cal towards the man’s footsteps. However, the previous soldier didn’t set up the gun properly and it fell off the tripod! As he tried to set the gun up again he heard the frantic running of the man escaping with the “tac, tac, tac” of wood shoes down the cobblestone.
3). (My details are a little off because he only told this one when he was drunk) During a patrol his friend was shot by a Japanese sniper through the chest. While laying next to his friend trying to render first aid he was bleeding out pretty bad, but all he could thing to do was to put his finger into the bullet wound to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, his friend did not make it. (He did quit drinking before 1960).
4.) The Troop came across a Japanese POW camp and he said that they saw emaciated men in terrible condition. Upon further inspection, they found lampshades, bound books, and other items all made from human skin.
My grandfather is telling me these stories. With a little bit of pressure to get the last two. He was also in the service so I’m sure he understands his dad’s hesitance on telling these.